Modules using patent-pending signal technology

The M81 system provides DC to 100 kHz precision electrical source and measure capabilities with 375 kHz (2.67 μs) source/measure digitization rates across up to 3 source and 3 measurement front-end modules.
All modules are designed with 100% linear circuitry powered by highly isolated linear power supply designs for the lowest possible voltage/current noise performance — rivaling modern lock-in amplifiers and research lab-grade source and measure instruments.
These hot-swappable modules with embedded calibration data enable quick measurement reconfiguration during and between experimental setups. Compact and well shielded, the modules can be remote, rack, or benchtop mounted depending on application requirements and user preference. For interconnection to the main instrument, the modules come standard with 2 m cables, but you can also order optional 8 m extender cables for making connections up to 10 m in length.
Built-in patent-pending capabilities include:
Dual AC and DC range sourcing — allowing for precise, full control of DC and AC amplitude signals with a single module and sample/device connection (VS-10 module)
- Seamless range change measuring — for significantly reducing or eliminating the typical range change-induced measurement offsets/discontinuities in signal sweeping applications that require numerous range changes (VM-10 module)
The integration of both AC and DC into single source and measurement modules:
Simplifies connections to the device under test
- Simplifies ground return connection schemes
- Simplifies test programming by allowing DC and AC signals to be sourced and measured under program control and without changing hardware or connections
- Enables AC modulation with a DC bias and allows a high degree of signal flexibility and measurement resolution options
VM-10 voltage measure module
This module provides voltage measurements with resolution from low nanovolts up to 10 V from DC to 100 kHz, including amplitude, phase, and harmonic detection capabilities. See the VM-10 specifications...
BCS-10 balanced current source module
This module provides programmable currents from 1 pA to 100 mA with a ±10 V maximum compliance output from DC to 100 kHz sinusoidal output. See the BCS-10 specifications...
CM-10 current measure module
This module provides current measurements with near-zero input offset voltage from fA levels up to 100 mA from DC to 100 kHz, including amplitude, phase, and harmonic detection capabilities. See the CM-10 specifications...
VS-10 voltage source module
This module provides programmable voltages from ±1 nV to ±10 V with a maximum of 100 mA compliance from DC to 100 kHz sinusoidal output. See the VS-10 specifications...