Varnish Specifications

Maximum temperature423 K (150 °C)
Thermal conductivity
1 K0.034 W/(m·K)
4.2 K 0.062 W/(m·K)
77 K 0.22 W/(m·K)
100 K 0.24 W/(m·K)
300 K 0.44 W/(m·K)
Volume resistivity >1 × 1015 (Ω·m)
Shelf life (298 K) 12 months from date on the can when stored at room temperature
Drying time (25 µm film, tack free)5 min to 10 min at 298 K (25 °C); 2 min to 5 min at 398 K (125 °C)
Dielectric strength (Dry) 118 kV/mm
Vapor pressure Partial

Percent solids by weight: 18 to 20%

Viscosity at 298 K (25 °C): 1.3 kg/(m·s) (1300 cP)

Specific gravity at 298 K (25 °C): 0.88

Flash point, closed up: 269 K (-4 °C)

Solvent system: Xylene, alcohol, acetone

Note: The solvents in the varnish have a tendency to craze Formvar® wire insulation. The wire cannot be disturbed during curing of the varnish (typically 12 h to 24 h at room temperature)

Classified as hazardous cargo by the U.S. Government. UPS Ground shipment only. Available in continental U.S. only.