Lake Shore Cryotronics will showcase material characterization solutions—including a new highly sensitive electromagnet-based vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)—as well as a comprehensive range of cryogenic temperature measurement products at next week’s APS March Meeting in New Orleans.
Lake Shore products enable researchers to obtain physical property measurements faster and with far less uncertainty when characterizing materials as a function of temperature and magnetic field. Among these products is the company’s new 8600 Series VSM, which Lake Shore will feature at APS Booth 401. It offers temperature ranges of 4.2 K to 1273 K and fields to 3.26 T, and is capable of 33-nemu sensitivity or measurement speeds up to 10 ms/pt. When combined with the 8600’s simple operation, researchers should expect to perform more science in less time.
Also at APS, Lake Shore will answer questions about other material characterization platforms, including their:
- High-performance, micro-manipulated cryogenic probe stations for on-wafer DC, RF, microwave, or THz frequency (75 GHz and up) measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to over 2 T (on display at APS will be the affordable Model TTPX probe station as well as their THz frequency probe arm).
- 8400 Series Hall effect measurement systems with an AC field Hall option for characterizing materials with very low mobilities, including many semiconductor and electronic materials, down to
- Fully integrated Model 8501 THz-frequency spectroscopic system for non-contact characterization of research-scale materials as a function of temperature and field strengths.
A focus on Lake Shore cryogenic thermometry products at APS will include:
- New DIN rail-mountable 240 Series sensor input modules for monitoring cryogenic sensors in widely distributed facilities; easily networked to programmable logic controllers (PLCs), the modules enable reliable monitoring in industrial-scale accelerator, fusion reactor, and other high-energy physics research applications.
- Benchtop temperature monitors and controllers, such as the popular Model 336 that features eight sensor inputs and four independent control outputs and supports control down to 300 mK with the appropriate sensors.
- Model 372 AC resistance bridge/temperature controller with patented noise-rejection technology for ultra-low temperature measurement and control, and sample impedance measurements.
- Resistance and diode cryogenic temperature sensors for physics research, including industry-leading Cernox® sensors.