Integrate conveniently

Communication options

Multiple communication drivers make it more likely that you'll find a communication method that fits easily into more setup.

  • Python drivers
  • LabVIEW™ drivers
  • IVI drivers
  • SCPI-based commands for lowest level communication

System integration

The F41 and F71 teslameter use the same 2U half-rack chassis as other Lake Shore XIP instruments, with several mounting options for standard 19-inch racks:

  • Single Lake Shore XIP instrument with adjacent blank panel
  • Two adjacent Lake Shore XIP instruments
  • Single Lake Shore instrument next to 3rd party 2U ½ rack instrument with common mounting screws

Fixture-friendly probes

Specifically designed for scenarios where fixturing the probe is required to achieve repeatable measurements.

  • Machined aluminum mounting block for a solid non-deforming surface
  • Locating pin holes allow for precise alignment of the probe
  • Easily held in place with just two screws
  • Drawings and CAD models publicly available, making integration with your hardware quick and easy, while minimizing the risk of design error.

Machined aluminum Hall probe with mounting screws and pins

Probe customizations welcomed

If your application requires something different, Lake Shore may be able to design a probe to fit your exact needs. FP Series probes are all manufactured in our Ohio facility with engineering staff onsite ready to support your application. Contact your local sales representative today to start the conversation.

Electromagnet control

teslameter shown with field control module

Create highly accurate magnetic fields by integrating closed-loop field control into your electromagnet platform. The Lake Shore field control module allows the flexibility to set or ramp your field while protecting your equipment from damage with settings to limit voltage and slew rate. The option card output resolution is so high that control stability is only limited by the already impressive measurement noise of the teslameter. The field control module is provided in an easy to install add-in module or can be ordered already installed inside your next teslameter.

electromagnet field control

Plug-and-play sensors

For situations where probes are not a suitable solution due to size or environmental factors, Lake Shore's new line of 2Dex™ sensors are available in direct connect versions. Complete with full calibrations, these sensors offer all the measurement accuracy of a probe in a minimalist package suitable for locations that are unsuitable for a full probe.

FA axial package, AI axial insert package, FT transverse package, and 3D 3-axis package


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Never zero your probe again

Measure confidently

Operate easily

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