Lake Shore Cryotronics is now taking orders for their new MeasureReady™ FastHall™ Station, a fully integrated tabletop measurement system that offers fast, highly precise Hall effect measurements and requires less setup time than similar solutions available today.
Ideal for anyone studying semiconductor materials, the station features Lake Shore’s proprietary M91 FastHall measurement controller, as well as a Windows® 10 PC, 1 T permanent magnet, high-precision sample holder, and all the necessary software and cabling to provide a wide range of Hall measurement capabilities. Measurement times are greatly reduced through the patented FastHall™ method. This includes mobility measurements down to 0.01 cm2/V s for van der Pauw samples — ideal for low-mobility material research — plus sample resistances up to 1 GΩ. Easy-to-use spring pin and solder sample holder cards included with the system accommodate up to 10 mm × 10 mm van der Pauw and Hall bar type samples.
“Today’s researchers increasingly need characterization solutions that are more cost and time effective, flexible, and usable by more broadly skilled users,” said Chuck Cimino, Senior Product Manager for Lake Shore. “The FastHall Station fulfills this need, reducing time to measurements and learning curves while improving the repeatability of Hall measurements — all while also enabling high-sensitivity, low-mobility Hall measurements in a compact tabletop package. It is truly a turnkey solution for labs studying a wide range of materials, including emergent novel materials.”
The station also features an electronically shielded, low-noise sample space with guarded contacts, resulting in superior measurements, making it quicker and easier to derive carrier type, carrier concentration, mobility, and Hall coefficient properties of the sample.
The system’s MeasureLINK™-MCS software collects all the data, and provides standard sequences, charts, and user-customizable test scripts. In addition to performing complete Hall analysis and outputting measured and all derived values, the system can also generate detailed reports including all the supporting intermediate data, so a researcher can readily confirm the integrity of the results.
Also available: a gate bias instrument option plus a liquid nitrogen option for converting the standard room temperature station to a cryogenically cooled sample space.
For additional details, visit the FastHall Station product page.