See new FastHall effect measurement controller at MRS Fall exhibit
Lake Shore Cryotronics demonstrating industry-first material characterization instrument in Booth 401

Lake Shore Cryotronics will be previewing a revolutionary new Hall effect measurement product—one that provides considerably faster, more accurate results than existing solutions—at next week’s MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit in Boston.
On display in Booth 401 will be a demo of the soon-to-be-released MeasureReady™ M91 FastHall™ controller. Featuring a patented new measurement technique, this all-in-one instrument fundamentally changes the way the Hall effect is generated
and measured by eliminating the need to switch the polarity of the applied field during measurement.
This technique delivers significantly higher levels of precision, speed, and convenience to researchers involved in the study of electronic materials, especially when using high-field superconducting magnets or measuring very low-mobility materials.
In a related event, Lake Shore’s Dr. Jeffrey Lindemuth will be presenting a poster, “Fast Hall™—A New Method for Measuring Low Mobility Thin-Film Materials,” during the Wednesday 8 p.m. ET11 symposium (Level 1, Hall B in
the Hynes Convention Center).
Also in Booth 401, Lake Shore representatives will be answering questions about their:
- Cryogenic probe stations for on-wafer DC, RF, microwave, or THz frequency (75 GHz and up) measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to more than 2 T. The affordable Model TTPX probe station will be on display in the booth.
- MeasureReady™ 155 precision current and voltage sources, which provide a solid foundation for DC I-V and C-V curve, AC impedance, resistance, resistivity, and other fundamental material measurements (a demo unit will be on display in the booth).
- Complete turnkey 8400 Series Hall effect measurement systems, which are available with an AC field Hall option for characterizing materials with very low mobilities (down to 0.001 cm2/V s).
Award-winning 8600 Series VSMs, which combine high sensitivity (15 nemu), rapid measurement speed (10 ms/pt), and simple operation in a system that allows researchers to perform more science in less time