Lake Shore Cryotronics will be at the TechConnect World Nanotech Conference & Exhibit, in Washington, D.C., next week to discuss solutions for nanoscale device and material characterization.

In Booth 510, Senior Applications Scientist Brad Dodrill will answer questions about the company’s new 8600 Series VSM for advanced magnetic measurement performance, as well as other platforms for characterizing materials and devices as a function of temperature and field.
Dodrill will also be presenting a poster on “First-Order-Reversal-Curve (FORC) Studies of Nanomagnetic Materials” (Wednesday, Nanoparticle Synthesis & Applications session. Potomac Registration Hall).
FORC analysis is indispensable for characterizing magnetic interactions and coercivity distributions in nanoscale and other magnetic materials. The 8600 Series VSM executes FORC measurements quickly and with high precision, flying through complex FORC data collection sequences in a fraction of the time required on other systems.
Owing to the 25-nemu moment sensitivity of the system, the 8600 Series also benefits research into low-moment materials, such as ultra-thin magnetic films, nanowire arrays, nanoscale magnetic particles, etc. The VSM features rapid measurement speed and simple operation in a system capable of accurately characterizing a range of materials at fields to 3.26 T over a 4.2 K to 1273 K temperature range.
Also at Nanotech, Lake Shore will discuss other variable temperature/field material characterization platforms, including:
- Cryogenic probe stations that support magneto-transport, electrical and electro-optical, DC, RF and microwave (to 67 GHz) and THz (to 75 GHz and up) probing of nanoscale electronic devices.
- A terahertz (THz) materials characterization system for measuring spectroscopic responses of nanomaterials across a range of frequencies, temperatures and field strengths, such as for dielectric and optical, nanoscale plasmonic device, and nanowire thin-film research.
- Hall effect measurement systems with an AC field Hall option for characterizing materials with very low mobilities, including many semiconductor and electronic materials, down to 0.001 cm2/V s.