Lake Shore Cryotronics will showcase a new electromagnet-based vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and other specialized platforms for temperature-dependent material characterization at next week’s MRS Fall Exhibit in Boston.
The 8600 Series VSM combines high sensitivity (33 nemu), rapid measurement speed (10 ms/pt), and simple operation in a system capable of accurately characterizing a broad range of materials with unprecedented ease. The system enables researchers to characterize magnetic properties of solid, thin film, powder, and liquid samples over a 4.2 K to 1273 K temperature range and at variable fields to 3.26 T.
The VSM particularly benefits research involving low-moment magnetic materials and first order reversal curve (FORC) measurements. Owing to its high sensitivity and FORC data acquisition protocols built into the system’s software, the VSM flies through complex FORC data collection sequences in a fraction of the time required on previous systems.
The entire system features a clean, ergonomic design that simplifies the user’s interaction with the VSM and ensures repeatable measurements. Sample rods and temperature options are easy to install, and magnet poles are simple to adjust using Lake Shore’s unique ExactGAP™ indexed positioning, which enables pole gaps to be set at precise positions, eliminating the need to recalibrate after each option change.
Also at MRS Fall, Lake Shore will be discussing their:
- Turnkey Model 8501 system for non-contact characterization of research-scale materials with spectral responses in the THz regime (200 GHz to 1.8 THz); the system features a high-field cryostat and superconducting magnet, allowing users to more easily characterize materials over a range of temperatures and field strengths.
- High-performance, micro-manipulated cryogenic probe stations for on-wafer DC, RF, microwave, or THz frequency (75 GHz and up) measurements at temperatures as low as 1.6 K and in fields to over 2 T. On display in the Lake Shore booth will be the affordable liquid cryogen-cooled Model TTPX probe station.
- 8400 Series Hall effect measurement systems with
an AC field Hall option for characterizing materials with very low mobilities, including many semiconductor and electronic materials, down to 0.001 cm2/V s.