Lake Shore Cryotronics will be discussing its line of advanced electromagnet-based magnetometer systems at the upcoming 59th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) Conference, Nov. 3 – 7, in Honolulu, HI.
At the MMM exhibit, Lake Shore will highlight how these systems are used to characterize the magnetic properties of magnetic thin films, nanomagnetic composites and arrays, magnetic multi-layers and heterostructures for spintronics, diluted magnetic semiconductors, rare-earth permanent magnet materials, and geomagnetic samples over a range of temperatures (4.2 to 1273 K) and fields to 3.1 T. The systems include MicroMag™ vibrating sample magnetometers (VSMs) and alternating gradient magnetometers (AGMs), which are the standard for first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) measurements that allow for studies of irreversible magnetic processes and interactions in magnetic materials.
Also at MMM, Dr. Cosmin Radu, Lake Shore Applications Scientist, will host a poster presentation on the effect of magnesium (Mg) ion substitution on microstructure and magnetic properties of nickel cadmium (NiCd) ferrite nanoparticles (Session HV-11). Based on an article that Dr. Radu co-authored with Egyptian researchers Dr. Mohamed Eltabey and Dr. Ahmed Massoud, the presentation will examine the magnetic properties of Mg-substituted NiCd nanostructured ferrites, which are important for microwave and electronic device applications.
For this research, a high-sensitivity Lake Shore 7400 Series VSM with liquid helium (LHe) cryostat was used to make zero-field-cooled/field-cooled (ZFC/FC) measurements to determine blocking temperature (TB) for the ferrite nanoparticle samples. Dr. Radu will be available at Lake Shore’s MMM booth to answer questions about this research and other applications for Lake Shore VSM/AGM systems.
Also at the MMM conference exhibit, Lake Shore will discuss its:
- Precision gaussmeters, fluxmeters, Hall probes, and Helmholtz and search coils; in addition to manufacturing test/QC applications, gaussmeters and Hall probes are used in research labs to compare the magnetic fields of various materials and explore magnetic phenomena.
- Cryogenic probe stations with integrated in-plane and out-of-plane magnets for DC, RF, and microwave probing of materials in a tightly controlled, variable-temperature environment.
- Hall effect measurement systems for performing Hall effect and magnetotransport measurements on materials, including wafer-scale materials, as a function of temperature and field.