Lake Shore introduces updated specifications for the Model CRX-VF cryogenic probe station, which features increased maximum magnetic field, improved magnetic field at elevated sample temperatures, and improved vacuum performance.
The versatile Model CRX-VF cryogen-free micro-manipulated probe station is used for non-destructive testing of devices on full and partial wafers up to 51 mm (2 in) in diameter. The CRX-VF superconducting magnet platform generates higher fields than are possible with an electromagnet based station without the operating cost of liquid helium. Ideal for measuring electrical, electro-optical, parametric, high Z, and Hall effect, as well as DC, RF, and microwave properties of materials and test devices, the CRX-VF is widely used to measure nanoscale electronics, quantum wires and dots, semiconductors, and spintronic devices.
The Model CRX-VF’s specifications have been improved and updated, making it more flexible than ever. The maximum magnetic field capability at base temperature has been improved from ±2.25 T to ±2.5 T. Additionally, the CRX-VF can now be operated up to ±2 T from 10 K to 400 K and up to ±1 T from 400 K to 500 K. Previously, only ±0.5 T was possible above 400 K and no magnetic field was possible above 450 K.
A new high vacuum option has been added as a standard option for customers whose applications require lower base pressures. The PS-HV-CPX option improves vacuum to <5 × 10-7 Torr with the station at base temperature, an improvement of two orders of magnitude over the standard vacuum configuration. The high vacuum option is recommended for applications sensitive to contamination.